Sunday, April 19, 2009

Celebrated Women

As I watch the Miss USA Pageant this evening, I write this post about women who are of completely different character. The women I write about are those who manage the only profitable investment firm in Iceland, while every other fostered debt 10 folds the size of its deposits.

The Miss USA Pageant is a 2 hour dedication to the blond and brunette beauties who are better off just smiling than reciting their rehearsed answers (like the response to the healthcare question!??). Instead, if we dedicated these 2 hours to Halla Tomasdottir and  Kristin Petursdottir  of Audur Capital, the women whose feminine intellect steered their clientele to profitable returns this year, don’t you think we would have learned a thing or two?

This brings me to discuss studies about raging testosterone on the trading floor, how it actually makes male traders assume greater risk than they should. Maybe testosterone plays a role in the irrational exuberance of the stock market bubble? Research shows that women made investment decisions may lead to more consistent profits for the clients. Women tend to focus on long-term results and more vested interests rather than short horizons. I’m not saying Lehman Sisters would have survived the credit crunch, but we are entering an epoch when women entrepreneurs and professionals are grabbing attention.

Hopefully this will be a lesson to the recruiters at investment banks and financial firms to welcome more women into the financial kingdom. We might be your saving grace! Cheers to the estrogen!

Inspiration: "The last bank standing" news video from CBS News

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