Monday, March 30, 2009

Your Mom joined Facebook, now what?

You could –--

Scream “OMG! WHY Why why y?”

Ignore her friend request

Grant her limited access with special ‘mom’ privacy settings

Grant her full access but warn her of possible scandalous photos/comments/posts

Have a discussion about what’s OK and what’s off limits

Tell her to use Facebook to stay in touch with her friends, NOT to stalk you

Tell her not to friend all your friends (that is creepy!)

Explain the Facebook generation gap – the information you exchange with your friends is special to you because you share that experience with them

Tell her it does not replace the traditional phone calls meant for catching up

Make a family album and tag her

Lastly, don’t be rude to your mom (whichever option you choose, try to understand her excitement/sentiment)

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