I realized something this week – more than 3 people read my blog (which is a celebration in itself) – but wait, that extra someone actually read my blog and took my post seriously! (To that someone – THANK YOU!!!)
When I wrote that post I was being my usual brazen witty self. I read an article and thought it was an interesting read for others too. But when I got handed an iPad in return, it was one of those GOSH-you-gotta-be-kidding-me moments!!!
So how is this fancy little gadget? It is all that good! I’m an Apple fan yes, but not a gadget junkie.
When you hold that one and a half pounder in your hands, you realize that you are going to get used to a new kind of luxury. And as always, Apple never disappoints. It’s like using your iPhone on a bigger better platform.
The downsides as I see right now are that this release doesn’t have a camera - so I know I’ll want to upgrade later (I have that one complaint against Apple, these upgrades cost me $$$ and think of the e-waste. Apple is proud of it. Seen their new caption for iPhone 4? "This changes everything. Again"); and my 3G iPhone looks ex-gen next to this new iPad.
Even my Dad remarked that it was pretty cool! My Dad checks the news more than he checks his email. So I showed him the WSJ & USA Today apps, he was impressed. Gmail & others, not so much. He wants it every morning between 7-9 am. I told him I’ll think about it…
It fits perfectly into my handbag, and if you are on the move, it substitutes as a pretty good mirror too! I haven’t yet gotten a BSNL sim cause that needs to be converted to a microsim and what not, but it works brilliantly on the wifi. Like we say here in Bangalore, it is bombaat! I also won't be taking my laptop to bed anymore…
My next assignment will be to post from it. Lets see how that goes.
P.S: I was trying to write my wedding journal and to-does in a diary, but hey, wait, I can just jot it down on my new iPad! :D
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