Thursday, May 21, 2009

On this one flight...

I was traveling to the west coast dreading the 8 hours of being stuck on cramped airplanes and in busy airports. I’ve come to dislike most airlines cause of their stingy attitudes (they even charge for water!). Not expecting much from this travel experience I charged my iPhone to capacity, carried a book, and took some nutrition bars on board.

I was seated between this 10 year old kid who had the window seat and this other older lady who had the aisle seat. I began talking to the kid. He was traveling alone and returning from a visit to his Grandma’s house. I have to say I was impressed with the kid’s behavior and good mannerisms. It always makes me happy when I see a kid who isn’t rowdy and misbehaved.  

I wasn’t so happy about the passenger on the other side though. The lady kept coughing and she had me on the edge of my seat fearing she had swine flu! I must have used an entire bottle of Purell trying to disinfect my hands every time I had to touch my face.

The Captain was kind enough to point out that we were flying over the Rockies. It was definitely a scenic view, a first aerial view of the Rockies for me. An hour later we landed. Everyone eagerly awaited the air-hostess’ go ahead to switch on their cell phones. It’s interesting to see how people rush to call a loved one to convey that they reached.  After calling that someone, I felt blessed that I wasn’t one of those people who didn’t have anybody to call. The little boy next to me called his Grandma and said, “I reached safe Grandma. Thank you for letting me come and visit you. I hope I wasn’t too much trouble.” I was moved by this little kid. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I guess it wasn’t such a bad flight after all.


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