Friday, January 23, 2009

Something for Everyone

This is a glimpse of Dabboo Ratnani's 2009 Calendar featuring Bollywood's 48 stars. The reason I tittled it 'Something for Everyone' is because amongst these 48 stars, you are bound to find your favorite(s), unless your looking for Amir Khan like I was... 

Kudos to the photographer for capturing these scandalous, glamorous, and sexy looks. Picture perfect!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The difference between men and women

I get this... what shoes are to women, beers are to men!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What took me so long?

Blogging has been around for a while now. For a long time I thought, "Why waste my time?" Then I realized, if I am penning my random thoughts elsewhere anyway, why not do it here and get your reactions? Hence, I resorted to the old adage, 'better late than never.' So here goes... 

I expected my name to be taken when I looked for addresses to set up this blog. But woh-who, it wasn’t! So back in November 2008, I opened this blog and named it Kapi Break. I wanted to write but didn’t find the motivation for a long time.  (Yes, they call it procrastination, but I am not particularly fond of that word.)

This morning though, something happened. Coffee beans were ground at home to make fresh filter coffee. The smell engulfed the kitchen and living room area. When I walked out of my room, I felt energized, caffeinated, and remembered about this blog. If only my aunt had ground the coffee beans a long time ago, I would have been on a roll by now!

So what will you find here when you visit me at Kapi Break? Well, let me tell you what you won’t find – you won’t find posts everyday (I will write when I want and won’t feel obligated to write daily, so subscribing to the posts maybe a good idea); you won’t find pieces of literary work (I write simple, abstract statements which may not be based on facts); you won’t find consistency. This is a place for me to pen my random thoughts and opinions, so you will come across topics as lame as this or as serious as global warming.

Enjoy reading and thanks for visiting. Please leave your thoughts. :-)

- Hugs, Tanmaya.