Between work, saree/jewelry shopping, trying to hit the gym 4 times a week, my sister relocating to a different city, renovations at home, people around me falling sick, traffic jams (thanks to evening rains – P.S: I know I didn't complain when made my previous post :P ), scouting for wedding ideas, meeting friends & family, and excel sheets (sadly, the control freak in me will not rest until I have an organized POA, list of things to do, guest list, etc) - its all bought me to the edge of my seat.
My parents are relatively calm though, when I squeak that time is running out – “100 days is a lot of time,” they tell me. So I try to chill. But the effort is failing… miserably!
So though there is a ton of exciting stuff to write about, really, I’ve just not had the disposition to do so! :(